Students graduating from a Syracuse city school district or Syracuse charter high school are eligible for Say Yes Syracuse Tuition Scholarships if they meet the following criteria:
- Reside in Syracuse during high school enrollment and at time of high school graduation
- Graduate from a Syracuse City School District high school or Syracuse charter high school
- Students must complete grades 10 – 12 in a Syracuse City School District or Syracuse charter high school or grades 9 – 11 for early graduates. Continuous enrollment is required unless a student has a *continuous enrollment exception.
- Enroll as a Full-Time College Student
- All eligible students must be admitted as a full-time student at a Say Yes Syracuse partner college or university within a year of high school graduation.
- Students must be enrolled at the college or university full-time (a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester unless otherwise indicated by the college or university) to be eligible for a Say Yes Tuition Scholarship. It is important that they work closely with their high school guidance counselor to ensure that they have taken appropriate courses, standardized tests (SATs and ACTs), and meet all college admission requirements and deadlines.
- Students with a documented 504 Plan and IEP status: can contact Say Yes Syracuse for further information regarding eligibility and requirements.
- Apply and Qualify for Financial Aid
- Students must apply and qualify for financial aid at a Say Yes Syracuse partner college or university prior to every year they attend college by completing a FAFSA and a TAP application. Some private colleges, such as Syracuse University, also require that students complete a CSS Financial Aid Profile.
- Say Yes Tuition Scholarships are considered “last dollar scholarships” and can only be determined after a student has applied and qualified for financial aid at the college or university they plan to attend.
- The hard deadline to submit FAFSA and TAP applications is August 1 following a students’ high school graduation.
- We recommend that students first complete their financial aid applications, both FAFSA and TAP well before the July 1 Say Yes Syracuse application deadline following their high school graduation.
- Individual colleges and universities may have their own additional deadlines and forms that are necessary to complete.
- To learn more about Financial Aid, you may visit our Financial Aid 101, Fin Aid’s SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid and the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation.
*Continuous enrollment exceptions: With proper documentation provided to Say Yes Syracuse, the following students are automatically deemed eligible regardless of consecutive years of school completion:
- Have refugee status on an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or be an otherwise eligible noncitizen.
- Legally designated as having McKinney-Vento status.
- Have documented Foster Care placement or are a ward of the court.
Please Note:
- If students meet the eligibility criteria listed on the above, they may click here to apply for a Say Yes Syracuse Tuition Scholarship.
- Students may be considered if they do not meet the above eligibility criteria and they have extenuating circumstances. If they would like to be considered for a tuition scholarship but do not meet the above eligibility criteria or believe their eligibility was calculated incorrectly, they may click here to appeal their eligibility.
In order to remain eligible for a Say Yes Syracuse tuition scholarship once a student is admitted to and enrolled in college, they must adhere to the following Say Yes Student responsibilities:
- Complete 12 credit hours (or full-time status) for two consecutive semesters
- Maintain a GPA of a 2.0 or higher for two consecutive semesters
- Complete a FAFSA and TAP application each year that they are enrolled at their institution. Some private colleges, such as Syracuse University, also require that students complete a CSS Financial Aid Profile.
Please Note:
- Students’ academic records will be reviewed at the end of each semester. If students do not adhere to the student responsibilities listed above for two consecutive semesters, they will not be eligible for Say Yes Syracuse Tuition Scholarship the consecutive third semester. Students can regain eligibility by meeting the Say Yes Syracuse student responsibilities during the third consecutive semester, however will not receive a Say Yes Syracuse Tuition Scholarship during that semester. Students that lose their eligibility may click here to appeal their eligibility.