Financial Aid
All eligible students must apply and qualify for financial aid at a Say Yes Syracuse partner college or university prior to each year they attend college by completing a FAFSA and a TAP application. Some private colleges, such as Syracuse University, also require that students complete a CSS Financial Aid Profile.
While applying for financial aid may at first seem daunting, we can point you to online resources and college readiness services within the community to help.
Financial Aid Resources
To learn more about financial aid, students, parents and guardians can:
- Visit Fin Aid’s Go-to Guide for College Financial Aid
- Visit the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation
- Visit NYS’s Start Here Get There Guide
- View CollegeBoard’s Financial Aid 101
- Contact their local high school guidance counselors
- Contact the Financial Aid office at their Say Yes Syracuse partner colleges or universities
- Contact Say Yes Syracuse
View more details about how to apply for a scholarship and financial aid here.