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News & Stories

Say Yes Student Spotlight: Azian Goodrich

"Say Yes means opportunity. Say Yes means impact. Say Yes means change. Say Yes represents a commitment to equity and opportunity in education."
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Say Yes Syracuse and OCC Team Up to Help Students with College Housing Costs (4/10/23)

A new agreement between Say Yes Syracuse and Onondaga Community College will help Syracuse City School District graduates who attend OCC with their housing costs.
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Say Yes Student Spotlight: Madison Reynolds

"The benefits of Say Yes will create a sound support system and make navigating the college process far more positive and accessible."
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Say Yes Syracuse to Make Exception for the Class of 2021

Due to the unique nature of the 2020-2021 academic school year, Say Yes Syracuse will be making an exception for the Class of 2021
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Say Yes Student Spotlight Martine Dosa

"Be your own best advocate. This program is a strong pillar for education in our community, and something that everyone should take advantage of."
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Say Yes Story – Kae’chauna Sinclair

"Pursue your interest and your dreams; the stars are not the limit, the sky is not the limit… you set your own limit."
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Natalia’s Story

"When challenges arise, and when people tell you to give up or try something else: if you want to follow your dreams, you'll always find a way."
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Say Yes Student Spotlight | Hunter Kusak

"Say Yes is one of the best programs I have been introduced too. Without Say Yes I would not have gone to, or been able to attend college."
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Let’s Talk!

Higher education is accessible without the financial stress and Say Yes Syracuse is here to back your dreams and make them happen. Your journey to success starts here. Have questions? Set up an appointment to meet with us!

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